I was
recently blessed to be invited to start leading another woman’s
Bible study group here in South Africa. From the very first, the
pastor's wife (who is co-leading the group with me) and I sensed that
God was powerfully at work amongst this group of ladies. Swazi women
are usually very stoic and reticent to share stories of their painful
pasts, though almost all of them had one. The very first day we were
shocked and amazed as they, one-by-one, began pouring their hearts
out and allowing Jehovah Rapha, the Lord our Healer, to begin healing
their broken hearts. The very next meeting the following week had to
be moved to the church because the group had more than doubled in
size! The Holy Spirit moved mightily! Mrs. Jele (pictured here), the beautiful and
passionate pastor's wife, spontaneously began sharing her testimony,
including parts she'd never before shared. She was not the only one
with tears streaming down her cheeks. Her courageous obedience to the
prompting of the Spirit opened the door for three of the most
profound salvation experiences I've ever been honored to witness.
There was no soft music, no step-by-step Gospel message, no altar
call. Just one woman sharing what Jesus has done in her life, and
three lost women spontaneously asked to be found. They saw Jesus in
my friend, and they wanted Him. And just that simply, we led them in
a prayer to receive Him as Savior and Lord. Hallelujah!