Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Prayer requests on my heart today

Current prayer requests, in no particular order:
*Health and rest and good sleep for me prior to the trip
*Swazi kids' hearts being prepared to soak in Jesus' love that Lori and I want to share
*Wisdom for me in the details of preparation--what to pack, etc.
*Increase in my daily devotion time--not sure how to carve out more time but desperately desire it and I know God is the controller of time!
*Preparation of assignments for Jeremy's schoolwork for while I'm gone
*Safe travel
*I may possibly get the opportunity to teach on grief and/or prayer while I'm there--if this is God's will, for doors to open, schedules to jive, my time to prepare, etc.
*God's preparation of my heart--hard to describe, but I really feel like He's doing some work in me--probably a major overhaul--not fearful at all--I totally trust Him--but rather just don't want to get in the way of whatever He is doing.
*Lori--everything God lays on your heart--this is a HUGE step for her--I'm only going for 2 weeks--she's moving there!

I will probably shoot off more prayer requests as God lays them on my heart. I want to try really hard not to ask for things that "sound" good--you know, "Christianese missionary speak" but rather what God really shows me and those things that I'm truly concerned about--pretty or not--I want to be totally honest.

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