Wednesday, April 10, 2013

R.I.P. Thoko Mavuso

Here you are praying--now you see Him face to face!

You were kind, shy, a peace-lover, generous, and my sister in Christ. My favorite memory of you is when Clarah and I stopped by your vegetable stand to present you with your very own donated siSwati Bible. I will never forget the smile of utter joy on your face. I am so grateful for the time I was allowed to share God’s Word with you in our ladies’ Bible study group at Maphiveni. This enables me to know for a certainty that I will see you again someday in Heaven, and what a joy that will be. You died so quickly and we still don’t have the medical answers to what happened. Your death was like your life here on earth—quick, full of pain and fear and sorrow, and never having what so many of us take for granted. But we KNOW you have no more sorrow and no more pain and no more tears now! I still grieve every time I pass by your empty stall at the market, but rejoice that the empty tomb of Jesus means you now have life and joy to the fullest!

1 comment:

  1. I don't know what to write... I'm hope, that she is now with Christ. God bless You.
